Unit Three Chapter 4
Development of Modern Agriculture
ü Agriculture in Bhutan occupies a central role as a source of employment of the Bhutanese though its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product is only about 34%.
ü 79% of the Bhutanese population is engaged in Agriculture and will continue to remain the main employer for several decades.
ü Agriculture needs and to be developed in our country since it is one of the areas which helps in the attainment of GNH.
Background History of the Department of Agriculture
ü 1961- The Department of Agriculture was established coinciding the initiation of the First Five Year Plan under the Development of Authority wing.
ü Nu 2 million was allotted to the new Department.
ü A number of model agriculture farms, seed multiplication farms, Agriculture research stations and extensions works started.
ü The focus was on the increase of fruits and vegetable cultivation.
ü 1967- The Department of Agriculture was transferred to the Ministry of Development.
ü 1993- The ministry took a major re-organization to put into action and integrated approach. The former Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and forestry were made into functional division-the research, extension and irrigation division, the crop and livestock services division and the forestry services division supported by the policy and planning division and administration and finance division. Later these divisions were put under the Department of Research and Development services.
ü 2003-Department of Agriculture was recreated comprising three divisions (Agriculture, Horticulture and Renewable Natural Resources Engineering as well as several servicesCentre like National Plant protection Centre, National Mushroom Centre, National Post Harvest Centre, Agriculture Machinery Centre and Central Machinery Unit.
Roles and Responsibilities
ü The Department is vested with the mandate of being responsible for sustainable agriculture development in the country and to plan, co-ordinate, administer, supervise and monitor the overall agriculture programmes and Renewable Natural Resources infrastructure development in the country.to fulfill these mandates the Department undertakes the following important functions:
· Initiate and develop agriculture and horticulture production strategies, approaches and programmes.
· Support and facilitate the Dzongkhags and the gewogs in the implementation of field programmes.
· Provide support and technical services on crop production programme through farm mechanization, plant protection and post-harvest processing.
· Provide engineering services on infrastructure development in the RNR sector.
· Create and maintain functional database related to resources, manpower, institutions, equipment and programmes
· Monitor and evaluate the planned programmes of the Department, including Dzongkhag programmes.
Policy Objectives and Strategies of the Ninth Five Year Plan
· Maintenance of a broad National Food Security
· Safeguarding household food security
· Maintenance of 70% self-sufficiency in food grain requirement
· Increase of production and export of Horticultural commodities
· Increase of income, living and nutritional standards of rural population
· Providing viable employment on farms for mitigating rural- urban population
· Promotion of sustainable land use and crop production system for conservation of environment
The following strategies are adopted to achieve the above policy objectices
· Intensify food crop production in potential areas
· Develop programmes to support food security objectives and also to address food insecurity issues targeting vulnerable groups
· Exploit location-specific comparative advantages through diversification and intensification of horticultural production
· Invest in irrigation infrastructure and water management technologies
· Improve rural access through construction of farm roads
· Pursue farm mechanization programmes to mitigate labour shortage
Infrastructure and facilities
· Gewog Extension Centres
· National Plant Protection Centre (NPPC) - Semtokha
· National Mushroom Centre (NMC) - Semtokha
· National Post Harvest Centre (NPHC) - Paro
· Central Machinery Unit (CMU)-Bumthang
· Agriculture Machinery Centre (AMC) - Paro
· Regional AMC at Bondey in Paro, Bajothang in Wangdue and Khangma in Trashigang
Food Production
ü Bhutanese agricultural practices were based on the diversity and the use of natural resources.
ü Bhutanese practiced only the subsistence farming in the olden days
ü Today agricultural practices are in transitional phase from a subsistence practice to a market orientated system.
ü The yield of oil seeds like mustard doesnot meet the requirement and a significant amount is imported from India, however, efforts are underway to promote the production of oilseeds also.
Horticulture production
ü Earlier fruits and vegetables were produced for home consumption only as there was no market
ü However many new varieties of fruits and vegetables are produced even for marketing
ü The export of horticulture products have increased consistently over the years.
· Some of the challenges faced by the food production sector of the Nation are
· Limited and shrinking arable land due to encroachment and land conversion
· Scattered, small and fragmented landholdings, making it economically challenging
· Poor rural access and market infrastructure
· Shortage of farm labour due to rural-urban migration
· High production cost due to mountainous terrain that increases labour requirement
· Wild animal depredation, pests and diseases
· Poor storage, transport and marketing network
· Weak database for planning and programming
· Need for the Bhutanese to recognize Agriculture as a source of employment