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Bhutan Civics Chapter 7

Bhutan Civics Chapter 7

Chapter Seven
Civil Service in a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy


·         In the Democratic Constitutional Monarchy, the ruling party after winning the election will form the government to rule the Government to run the country.
·         However it is not definite if the same ruling party will run the next government after five years or after the dissolution of Government upon no confidence of motion moved by the house.
·         The real administration of the state and continuity of the Government actually lies in the hands of civil servants.

Definition and meaning of Civil Service or Bureaucracy

·         The term bureaucracy originated from French word Bureau, means a writing table or desk.
·         It also means a place or an office where people work.

Refer text book for further definition of civil Servants

Characteristics of Civil Service:

Tenure of Service
·         Civil servants have an option to remain in the service for a much longer period unlike the politician’s.
·         Civil servants enter the service at the age of 18 years and resign at the age of 56, 58 and 60 based on the position categories.
·         Our service tenure is guaranteed unless they are terminated or compulsorily retired.
Logical Division of responsibilities
·         Civil Service is arranged based on hierarchy according to different duties and responsibilities based on their position.
·         In each level/ ladder, the civil servants undertake different duties and responsibilities based on their positions.

·         The Civil Service at the top of hierarchy carryout higher responsibilities related to policies and decision makings.
·         The right civil servants are appointed to the right job based on education and technical background.
·         This is done to promote efficiency and specialization.

Apolitical Status
·         As per the constitution, civil service Act. Royal Charter and Bhutan Civil Service Rules and Regulations do not allow the civil servants to join political party while they are in the service
·         They should remain apolitical or neutral.
·         To join they have to resign first.
·         Unlike the political leaders, the civil servants are not elected but recruited based on competitive selection examinations.
·         Civil servants are recruited by RCSC through Civil Service Common Examination.

Problems of Civil Servants
i)                    Red-tape
·         It means a lengthy procedure to apply for promotion, further studies and trainings etc.
·         For instance, the promotion procedure is very lengthy the forms has to route from the office of the immediate supervisor to the Ministry and then to RCSC.
·         So in order to overcome the long and cumbersome procedures, the commission is formulating a policy to delegate most of its operational human resource functions like promotion and recruitment to the Ministries, Agencies and Dzongkhags.

ii)                  Conflict
·         There are conflict of ideas and implementation of strategies between different agencies. 
·         For example, between Ministry of Agriculture and National Environment Commission.

iii)                Duplication
·         Works already done by other agencies are carried out by another agency which is leading to the wastage of the resources and the time.
·         The Organizational Development exercise initiated by the RCSC is expected to remove the existing overlapping of functions and redundant services to improve the services to the public

iv)                Imperialism
·         Each agency attempts to expand their agency without giving importance to the cost and benefits.

Role of Civil Service in a Democratic Society

Cooperation in policy formulation
Ø  The Council of Ministers is supported by the Civil Servants in formulating the policies.
Ø  The cabinet in consultation with the commission formulates overall personnel action policies for the country.
Contribution in Planning
Ø  Civil Servants prepare an outline of the plan, provide the facts and statistics and suggest different sources of income to the government in order to execute and implement the plans.
Implementation of Administrative policies
Ø  If the policies are not implemented, it is useless. Policies are implemented by the civil servants. The success of the government depends upon our civil servants.
Contribution on Legislative Function
Ø  Since the civil servants have the requisite expertise, the ground work for formulation of laws and other statutes are generally carried out by them.

Financial Function
Ø  The annual budget is prepared by the Civil Servants and it is approved the Council of Ministers.
Coordination in Administration
Ø  Civil servants also coordinate and implement the policies and programmes of the Government.
Civil Service and the Royal Civil Service Commission
Ø  RCSC was established in 1982.
Ø  Cadre system was started from 1989.
Ø  PCS was introduced in 2006.
Ø  PCS focuses on creating a civil service professional, efficient, effective, transparent, and fair and merit base system.
Ø  PCS put the right person for the right job.
Meaning of Position Classification System
Ø  The PCS focuses on creating a civil service that id professional, efficient, effective, transparent, accountable,fair and merit based system.
Ø  It tries to put right person to the right position based on competitive selection.

Classification of Position Classification System

i)                    Executive/Specialist.
Ø  The people who hold important responsibilities in making decision regarding the organization under him or her
Ø  They are vested with executive powers and are also specialized in a particular area and are in a position to advise its organization

ii)                  Professional/Management
Ø  The employees in this group support the executive and Specialist categories and supervise the Supervisory and support and operational categories.
Ø  They are given the power to make some decision if it is within the broad guidelines of the organization

iii)                Supervisory/Support
Ø  These employees are assigned with the main task of supervision of daily works and support the higher categories
iv)                Operational Level
Ø  These employees perform basic functions like typing, routing telephone, use of computers and other office equipment’s.

Recruitment of Four Types is:

i)                    Recruitment of New Employees:
ii)                  Recruitment through Promotion and Transfer:
iii)                Recruitment on Contract:
iv)                Secondment:
For detail information refer text book

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